Monday, October 18, 2010

PROTON : Regressing or progressing?

We are in the 2010. 10 years till the supposed year we can be called a developed country. But our national car maker has made a "fantastic" action. By  trying to pass off a rebadged Mitsubishi Lancer as the Proton Inspira.

If I am not mistaken, this is the first time that Proton rebadged a car. Even the original Proton Saga in the year 1985 was designed from scratch except for the engine.(acceptable as then Proton has yet to build their own engine).

25 years into Proton's birth, this is what they have done. Granted, I think this is the best car they have ever produced quality-wise. The problem is, it really is not Proton's. It's Mitsubishi, and Mitsubishi is not Malaysian. Wake up, the clock is ticking. On this rate Vision 2020 will remain that. Just a vision.

1 comment:

  1. haa am very agree with sad proton hve limited car designer work power. i mean, juara?? literally a box with 4 wheels. hope to see more in the future. for 2020 sake.
