Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is there two classes of citizens in Malaysia?

After 47 years,we do not seem to know the basics of Malaysia. Of course I am Malaysian first, I held a Malaysian ID and my race is recorded in the birth certificate which i don’t carry unless needed.
Filling Official form – including private hospital form
I am always upset by the design of the form.To be Malaysian is not acknowledged or even important to the government. We have boxes for Malay, Chinese, Indian dan lain2. I dutifully write Malaysian of Dayak Iban origin. Inside of me, a fire is building up.
Then come the boxes for religion – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc – I never fill that boxes, I am disgusted by the implication. When you apply for a government job i think race and religion do play a MAJOR part. If you do not agree with me, proof me wrong then I willgive you the evidence. I think the government should remove all boxes concerning races and religions in all official form unless it is truly necessary. Discrimination must be discouraged, meritocracy should be encouraged. What is the point of 1Malaysia if this is not seen to??
*Even Tun Dr. Mahathir, the great thinker, admitted that he doesn't understand 1Malaysia. What more can be said about ordinary citizens. :)

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