Monday, October 18, 2010

PROTON : Regressing or progressing?

We are in the 2010. 10 years till the supposed year we can be called a developed country. But our national car maker has made a "fantastic" action. By  trying to pass off a rebadged Mitsubishi Lancer as the Proton Inspira.

If I am not mistaken, this is the first time that Proton rebadged a car. Even the original Proton Saga in the year 1985 was designed from scratch except for the engine.(acceptable as then Proton has yet to build their own engine).

25 years into Proton's birth, this is what they have done. Granted, I think this is the best car they have ever produced quality-wise. The problem is, it really is not Proton's. It's Mitsubishi, and Mitsubishi is not Malaysian. Wake up, the clock is ticking. On this rate Vision 2020 will remain that. Just a vision.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is there two classes of citizens in Malaysia?

After 47 years,we do not seem to know the basics of Malaysia. Of course I am Malaysian first, I held a Malaysian ID and my race is recorded in the birth certificate which i don’t carry unless needed.
Filling Official form – including private hospital form
I am always upset by the design of the form.To be Malaysian is not acknowledged or even important to the government. We have boxes for Malay, Chinese, Indian dan lain2. I dutifully write Malaysian of Dayak Iban origin. Inside of me, a fire is building up.
Then come the boxes for religion – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc – I never fill that boxes, I am disgusted by the implication. When you apply for a government job i think race and religion do play a MAJOR part. If you do not agree with me, proof me wrong then I willgive you the evidence. I think the government should remove all boxes concerning races and religions in all official form unless it is truly necessary. Discrimination must be discouraged, meritocracy should be encouraged. What is the point of 1Malaysia if this is not seen to??
*Even Tun Dr. Mahathir, the great thinker, admitted that he doesn't understand 1Malaysia. What more can be said about ordinary citizens. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have friends and classmates who are Malays and are very close to me. The article below is not about “race -  as in Malay” but is focus on “Government policies and the implementation of Malay Agenda”. These are facts while UMNO and Najib say something else and we must put our thought on what is truth and what is propaganda. Did our government leaders actually lead us to believe that they are fair to all races in Malaysia?. The answer is no.
BN surviving on “old politics”
My very close Malay friends looked at this article before i posted it and say that they are NOT  proud of such government approach towards uplifting the life of Malay. They agreed that we must now focus on being Malaysian. Those of my university classmates and friends noted that BN UMNO politics is way out dated. When we actually talk about Malaysian competitiveness in the global context, they are talking about how the people must be grateful to the government for helping them to achieve tertiary education and implement many “projects”. These are old politics which the young malaysian of all races are putting behind them.
It is the government that caused racial tension in Malaysia
The problem with “race-relationship” in Malaysia is not the work of ordinary Malaysian. It is the work of narrow minded politician and technocrat who despite their education and experience could not project forward their vision on what will make  Malaysia successful in future. The flavor and favor for Malays is an “old thing” when Malaya just gained independence and immediately after Malaysia was formed.
This racial approach as advocated by UMNO and  PERKASA must go – yet we see a large number of leaders in UMNO wanted the root cause of disunity stay in Malaysia. Then we hear Najib talked all sort of nonsense about being 1 Malaysia when the political party that he leads refuse to discard the Malay Agenda and embrace 1 Malaysia.
Sabah and Sarawak are victim of the Malay Agenda of the Federal Government
Sabah and Sarawak in particular suffer so much from the Malay Agenda approach. Federal politics keep Taib Mahmud around and tolerate his corrupt practices just because he is very pro- Malay Agenda. Like Najib, Taib talked about being fair to all etc but the result we see in Sarawak is different. Taib took the opportunity to make himself rich. Jabu understood this idea of bowing to the Federal Government Malay Agenda, for which the Malay themselves are embarrassed of the government policies and implementation of the Malay Agenda.
For native of Sarawak and Sabah, they say we are bumiputera. No body has to tell me anything about being a bumiputera – it is totally different then being a Malay. There is no comparison but politician used the word to gain business for themselves and their friends. This is the “cheat” mentality.
My message to all young Malaysian is for us to put an end to all these sources of DISUNITY among us. We must go forward as Malaysian. If BN is the source of such DISUNITY – which it is, we just vote them out in the coming election. We wanted to see a strong and united Malaysia, and today our government has caused us disunity and lack of real progress because of BN racist policies and implementation.
Study carefully the scenario below – please disagree with me if you think I have distorted the facts and our every day life experience. If it is true and you agree to it, Change WE must.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love my school SMK St. Luke

5 years. 5 years I spent in this school. Situated on top of a hill, it was founded in 1863. Yes its old. And I love it. My dad went to school here. Basically, this is the place where I grew from a small boy to a young man today. In form 1, I was still the good kid. 2nd place in my exams.(never gotten 1st place) By form 2, everything changed. For the better or worse, I do not know. But I know what I did then shaped me to be what I am today. :) I was a bad boy. hee hee. careful, I might still be.

First post. and may there be many more to come :)

This blog was the product out of pure boredom. Strikes at 1.47am, 13 October 2010. I shall remain unanimous, and I will touch about just about anything that concerns this dear heart of mine. Booyyaaaaa!